C 7/8, Shri Popatlal Dani Bhavan,Gandhinagar, Gujarat-282021

About RuPay PaySecure
We are pleased to inform that RuPay Debit Cards can now be used for online transactions and payments through RuPay PaySecure an e-Commerce solution of National Payments Corporation of India(NPCI). RuPay PaySecure not only provides a platform for e-transactions but also gives the customers a complete unique shopping experience. The RuPay Card can be used at all ATMs, merchant establishments in India for online transactions and payments.
Key Features of RuPay PaySecure
- The solution offers enhanced security measures in addition to the RBI mandated2-Factor authentication viz.registration, OTP,image based authentication and anti-phishing measures.
- Highly secure with unique anti-phishing properties
- User friendly and smooth adaptability
- Simplified architecture & transaction flow reduces transaction time resulting in faster transaction processing and reduction in drop-outs
- Customer experience: During the online payment the cardholder?? authentication data is collected in a secured manner. Further, with help of a bank themed PIN pad the cardholder has to enter the PIN number while making the payment.The padshuffles eachtime a digit is entered as an additional security measure.
Target Audience
All RuPay Card Holders for online transactions viz. bill payments, online purchases etc.
RuPay PaySecure Usage
- All the customers holding RuPay Cards can transact online with RuPay PaySecure
- Customer will have to select an image to register during registration. Subsequently, the customer will have to identify the correct registered image in order to get validated.
- Customer will have to enter a phrase during registration. Subsequently, the customer will have to acknowledge the phrase and the last 3 transactions being made online in order to get validated.
- Subsequently the image and phrase become validating factors. In case the customer forgets or exceeds the number of attempts they have to re-register to enter new phrase and select a new image.
- In order to get authenticated, the cardholder needs to enter correct card details, OTP, challenge questions, internet ID and password or any other parameters defined by the issuer.
- Customer is required to use a valid ATM PIN for authorization of the e-Commerce transactions. Customer will have to enter PIN on the bank themed PIN pad using mouse clicks only. The PIN pad will shuffle each time a digit is entered.
- RuPay Cards are enabled for online purchases on major merchants. For details on this solution, kindly get in touch with your bank call centre teams.
- Rupay Card Form